Latest edition of Edinburgh Student Law Review published

The latest edition of the Edinburgh Student Law Review has been published.
The first issue of the fourth volume features contributions on a wide range of topics, including the legal basis of capitalism, cyberbullying and sexting, the reformation of jus quaesitum tertio and a case note on Google LLC v Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Co-editors-in-chief Jonathan Ainslie and Sebastian Jedrzejewski thanked their colleagues for bringing the latest edition to publication in spite of the challenges posed by the pandemic.
They state: “The ESLR has always been a collaborative effort, with everyone bringing a vital part to the finished product. This year has brought its own set of unique challenges following the Covid-19 pandemic and the closure of the University estate.
“We have been deeply impressed with the way our staff have adapted to these challenges to produce this issue to the same high standards that our readers have always come to expect. In particular we would like to recognise our copy editing team, who continued working from home in late Spring, as well as our content editors, who dealt with a large number of submissions and were sometimes asked to step slightly outside their own field of expertise.
“We are also grateful to the publications team, who have excelled in maintaining our digital presence, as well as our finance officers, who have managed some challenging transitions in the corporate structure of the ESLR.”