Latest Signet magazine reveals treasures of WS Society
The continuing contribution made by the WS Society to Scotland’s intellectual and cultural life is highlighted in the latest edition of Signet, the society’s magazine.
As well as reviewing WS activities, the magazine carries a number of interesting feature articles – among them a piece on the ‘Baroque Treasures’ of the Signet Library which include a number of striking portraits including one by the artist John Baptist de Medina of Lord Grange, the Scottish judge who had his wife, Rachel Chiesley, abducted and exiled to St Kilda.
In addition, the background to the Library’s Garnkirk Florence Vase is explored and the story of Susan Ferrier, the Scottish novelist and daughter of WS member James Ferrier, whose literary star outshone those of her early 19th century contemporaries like Jane Austen is recounted.