Launch of EU Law alumni group at Edinburgh Law School

Credit: Edinburgh Law School
Thu 5 October 2023
17:00 - 18:00
Since our foundation in 1707, Edinburgh Law School has been at the heart of legal education and research. We are a world-leading law school shaped over many centuries by our values and beliefs, commitment to excellence, and the passion and achievements of our staff, students, alumni, and partners. This diverse network of individuals plays an integral role in the life of Edinburgh Law School and in building a community committed to global impact and contribution to society.
We cordially invite alumni to the launch of the EU Law Alumni Group of Edinburgh Law School.
This ‘assembly’ event aims to establish a stable network of Edinburgh Law School graduates with careers and interests in EU Law. The discussion in the break-out rooms, facilitated by a member of staff from Edinburgh Law School, will serve as an opportunity to identify priorities in each of the suggested areas of activity of the Group.
Event Details
5:00pm: Welcome and Introduction – Professor Jo Shaw, Head of School
Keynote Address – Ms Mina Andreeva, Head of Unit, European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (LLM in European Law, 2007)
Introduction to Break-out Rooms – Dr Leandro Mancano, Head of the EU Law Subject Area
Break-out Rooms:
- Academic Engagement (EU Law Research and Teaching)
- Career Development
- Networking
Concluding Remarks – Dr Leandro Mancano
6:00pm: Close
We are working to strengthen our alumni relations and are always looking for ways to help us better keep in touch with alumni and to provide more opportunities for alumni to interact with us.