Law Society committee vacancies offer opportunity for influence and development
Solicitors and non-solicitors have an opportunity to influence decisions on the regulation of the Scottish legal profession and help shape good law in Scotland.
There are currently vacancies on 16 of the Law Society’s diverse range of committees. Committee members are volunteers from the legal profession and lay members from a variety of backgrounds, including financial services, the technology sector, academia and other professional bodies.
Regulatory committees play a vital public interest role and advise on a huge range of subjects, from education to client protection, while policy committees scrutinise legislation originating in the Scottish, UK and European parliaments. Members of these committees influence the law used every day across Scotland, ensuring that it is technically sound and workable in practice.
Alison Atack, vice president of the Law Society as well as a committee member and convener (pictured), said: “I have been a Law Society committee member for more years than I care to remember and it is truly a privilege to contribute to the key decisions which impact so tremendously on our profession and society.
“The opportunities for learning and development are varied and invaluable and I would urge anyone who believes they can contribute to the committee system, to grab the experience with both hands and get involved.”
Opportunities to join the Law Society’s committees come up three times a year and you can find more information about the current vacancies and details of how to apply before 5pm on Monday 26 February here.