Law Society staff raise £550 in charity shop takeover for Nepal

lawsocLaw Society of Scotland staff hit the high street yesterday when they took over a charity shop in the heart of Edinburgh to raise money for the Nepal earthquake disaster.

Six Society employees took over the Mary Portas Living and Giving shop for Save the Children after spending a month raising donations from colleagues and solicitors across the country.

Charlotta Cederqvist, business development manager at the Law Society said: “It was a brilliant day, and we raised a great amount of money.

“We received some great donations from our members and our fabulous colleagues did a huge amount of baking for us to sell on the day as well.

“The highlight of the day was selling a Chanel handbag for £100!

“We would like to say a huge thanks to Save the Children as well for allowing us to invade their shop for the day, and showing us the ropes!”

The staff team raised £550 over the course of the day, with all proceeds going directly to Save the Children’s Nepal appeal.

Anyone who still wishes to donate to Save the Children’s Nepal Appeal can visit our Just Giving site.

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