Lawyer to have ‘no choice’ in representing woman who cried false rape

Lawyer to have 'no choice' in representing woman who cried false rape

A sheriff has told a woman who falsely accused a couple of raping her that a lawyer who will have no choice in the matter will be appointed for her after she was unable to get any legal representation.

Hannah McWhirter, 21, was meant to be sentenced at Aberdeen Sheriff Court this month for wasting police time.

Her lawyer Sam Milligan stopped acting for her last month and she had been unable to find someone to take her case on since then.

When the case was last called, the court heard that Ms McWhirter told social workers she was innocent after pleading guilty, prompting Mr Milligan to refuse to act for her.

Sheriff Graham Buchanan told her at the time that she ought to be represented in what he called an “extremely serious matter”.

The court heard yesterday that Ms McWhirter has contacted numerous solicitors – all of whom have refused her.

Sheriff Buchanan said he would instruct the sheriff clerk to contact the Law Society of Scotland and the Scottish Legal Aid Board to get a solicitor appointed for her.

He added: “The court has decided that you must be represented by a lawyer on the next occasion and it would be for them to appoint a solicitor.

“In other words the lawyer will have no choice. He or she will be told that they have to appear for you.”

The sheriff continued the case for another two months in order for a lawyer to be appointed.

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