Legal expenses insurance could increase access to justice
A new report suggests that greater uptake of legal expenses insurance (LEI) by individuals could increase access to justice for the ‘forgotten middle’ – individuals without disposable income to spend on private legal services, but whose earnings or assets prohibit qualification for legal aid or pro bono assistance.
The findings, based on research conducted by the International Bar Association’s (IBA) Legal Policy & Research Unit under the auspices of the Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee, was launched at the 2019 IBA Annual Conference in Seoul, South Korea.
LEI is a purchasable product through which individuals can obtain legal assistance from a private provider with some or all of the expenses covered by an insurer.
The report, entitled Legal Expenses Insurance and Access to Justice, presents a cross-jurisdictional analysis of nine jurisdictions where the LEI market is either widespread or limited, and explores whether certain factors act as barriers to the greater implementation, uptake and use of LEI in limited LEI market jurisdictions.
Germany, Japan and Sweden are analysed as widespread LEI market jurisdictions. Australia, Canada, England and Wales, the Republic of Korea, Scotland and South Africa are analysed as limited LEI market jurisdictions.
The findings suggest that the ‘forgotten middle’ could benefit enormously from LEI. However, three key barriers to increased implementation and uptake of LEI policies are identified in the report, including lack of awareness among consumers; limits of indemnity; and perceptions of conflicting interests of legal representation appointed by the insurer or in-house lawyer employed by the insurer.
IBA Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee co-chair, Andrew Mackenzie, said: “Access to justice is a pressing concern for all jurisdictions, regardless of legal system or socio-economic status. Justice simply cannot be served without timely, robust legal representation.
“It is our duty as a profession to ensure that all who need access have it. However, the legal community cannot achieve this in isolation. I urge others, including the insurance industry and policy-makers, to play their part.”