Legal expert to discuss plight of Rohingya at free Edinburgh lecture

A free event looking at how the displaced Rohingya people might return to their ancestral homeland in the Arakan region in Myanmar will be held at Edinburgh Law School next month.
Attorney Regina Paulose, legal counsel to the Arakan Rohingya National Organization, will explain who the Rohingya are and the genesis of the genocide and crimes against humanity committed against them.
There will then be a discussion on the process of the Rohingya’s ability to return home given the challenges presented by international legal frameworks and geopolitics.
Ms Paulose obtained her J.D. from Seattle University School of Law and her LLM in International Crime and Justice from the University of Torino/UNICRI.
This event is free and open to all. No registration is necessary. It will be held on Friday 13 September 2019, 13:00-14:00 in teaching room 06, Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh.