Legal walk led by Lord Tyre raises over £5,000 for access to justice projects

Lord Tyre led over 100 people on the Edinburgh Legal Walk 2019 yesterday, raising over £5,000 for the Access to Justice Foundation in the process.
The walk started at 5pm from The Old College at Edinburgh Law School and finished with a drink at Safestay Edinburgh on Blackfriars Street.
Rebecca Samaras, director of pro bono at Edinburgh Law School, told Scottish Legal News: “So fantastic to see so many people turn up and walk on such a beautiful Edinburgh evening, supporting such a worthy cause.
“It’s encouraging to see so many members of the legal profession, charities, organisations and students come out to support access to justice. We hope we can build on last night’s success in the years to come.”
All of the money raised from the walk will go to the Access to Justice Foundation (Scotland) and help to fund legal advice projects across Scotland.
These projects help support people like Tariq, who wrote this to his advice charity: “Without you, they would not listen. Thank you for your help. I do not know what will happen to us tomorrow, but – just because of you – they have listened today”.
If you would like to support the Access to Justice Foundation (Scotland), please visit