Letter: Excellent service from SLCC

Letter: Excellent service from SLCC

Dear Editor,

I read with interest the article from the Scottish Law Agents Society regarding the survey conducted on solicitor regulation and, in particular, the views expressed of the role of the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission.

I am now retired but was in practice as a high street solicitor for almost 50 years and not unsurprisingly came into contact with the SLCC. If while in practice I had taken part in the survey conducted, then I have no doubt that my views would have mirrored the views expressed by the majority regarding the role of the SLCC.

Since retiring however, I regrettably found myself in a situation where I had no alternative but to make complaints to the SLCC concerning the conduct of two solicitors, both of whom were heavily involved with the administration of what the article refers to a “the current regulatory system”.

I have to say that I was surprised yet delighted with the very professional and even-handed way in which the SLCC investigated these complaints and the support that I received from them.

On the other hand, I was not in any way impressed with the involvement of the Law Society of Scotland in the final determination of these complaints once they had been passed to them, to the extent that I am now a firm believer that there are some instances where the Law Society should not be let loose anywhere the determination process – which should be conducted by those who do have the requisite experience and neutrality.

It seems to me that the views you may have on this matter, to a very great extent, depend on which side of the fence you are sitting, and the end result you achieve.

Chris Forrest

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