Letter: The political is not problematic

Dear Editor,
I for one welcome the views of Alan Adam along with those of Douglas J. Cusine about issues which are undoubtedly political, but no less important or relevant to our profession and wider society.
I echo Mr Adam’s sentiments about your publication in one respect but not all: it’s essential daily reading for me and invariably has something relevant, interesting or entertaining to offer.
It has often crossed my mind that an online forum for your readers would be a positive addition to your services; in the same way most daily newspapers do nowadays.
As for the subject matter which prompted Messrs Cusine and Adam into print, I don’t have any difficulty in these matters being explored in your newsletter. As a lawyer, I have been enthralled (I should really get out more) by the issues on so many levels: legal, constitutional and yes, political.
One of the many reasons this disastrous episode in Holyrood’s history has come about, is precisely because there was not nearly enough communication between the relevant parties – and far too much between the irrelevant ones!
Graham A. Fordyce