Letter: Unforeseen circumstances led to SLCC blip

Dear Editor,
Andrew Stevenson of the Scottish Law Agents Society, in his article of 7 November 2022, noted a period when the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission Board had fewer than the intended legal members on it.
We agree this was not ideal, and that the input of our legal members is invaluable. However, the circumstances are relevant. Two lawyers accepted positions on the board and commenced induction. One then accepted a judicial position and left. One already had a judicial position and during induction felt the SLCC may be too much on top of that, and left.
This meant that Scottish government had to re-recruit, and this took time to ensure a fair and robust process and secure the required approvals. We’re delighted to be back to a full complement of legal members, and grateful to those who kept work progressing in the meantime.
Neil Stevenson
Chief Executive
Scottish Legal Complaints Commission