Lib Dems to offer Parliament chance to trigger FAI reform

Lib Dems to offer Parliament chance to trigger FAI reform

Liam McArthur

The Scottish Liberal Democrats have said they will use this Thursday’s justice debate to offer Parliament the chance to trigger reform of the fatal accident inquiry system. 

The party has called for inquiries to be removed from the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service altogether and has proposed a new system of checks and balances to add impetus to the process, like coroners do in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The party will also use the debate to emphasise the need to split the role of the Lord Advocate and end the conflict of interest between political duties and the responsibility to independently prosecute.

Justice spokesperson Liam McArthur has said: “The current set-up in the Crown Office isn’t working. There needs to be a full and frank conversation about its reform.

“The fatal accident inquiry system is grotesquely complex. It is utterly incapable of delivering timely justice. Too often it adds to the misery for the families of those involved. We need change so that those affected by tragedy get swifter closure, and lessons are learned.

“The system is in desperate need of reform. Scottish Liberal Democrat research found evidence of a huge backlog, with families still waiting up to a decade to see answers.

“It is difficult to imagine the pain and frustration that loved ones must feel when such tragedy is followed by stagnant and silent investigations. But these delays also pose a danger to public safety. Without learning lessons, tragedies might be repeated.

“There’s no more time for tinkering round the edges on this. We need a commitment to a fundamental overhaul.  Scottish Liberal Democrats will use this week’s justice debate to ask other parties to trigger that process this week.”

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