Lindsay Montgomery CBE to chair Community Justice Scotland

Lindsay Montgomery CBE
The community safety minister has welcomed the appointment of a new chair of Community Justice Scotland, saying his substantial experience of Scotland’s justice sector and strong connections to the third sector will be invaluable.
Lindsay Montgomery CBE will take on the role of chair of the organisation from 13 May 2019.
Community safety minister Ash Denham said: “Community Justice Scotland has played a key role in promoting crime prevention, early intervention, supporting rehabilitation and reducing re-offending, contributing to a 19-year low in reconviction rates.
“Lindsay Montgomery brings a wealth of experience in leadership and governance from a career working with the Scottish Legal Aid Board and other organisations in the justice system.
“Working with the chief executive, Mr Montgomery will lead the change in the use of short-term custodial sentences and move towards an increased use of more effective community-based alternatives and services within the criminal justice system. His insight and enthusiasm will be invaluable when identifying expertise and working in partnership with organisations across the sector – including partners in the third sector whose work is crucial – to deliver a safer Scotland for all.”
Mr Montgomery said: “I am delighted to have the opportunity as chair of Community Justice Scotland to help drive forward its important role, working with a wide range of partners in reducing re-offending in Scotland. Success in this will have a significant impact on the lives of many people in communities across the country.”