Lindsays brings former Olympians together at sports forum

Lindsays brings former Olympians together at sports forum

Pictured (L-R): Colin Hutchison, Steve Cram, Eilidh Doyle and Ian Beattie

Olympic medallists Steve Cram and Eilidh Doyle highlighted the importance of grassroots athletics in Scotland as they took part in a special sports forum organised by Lindsays.

The event in Glasgow was held ahead of the World Indoor Athletics Championships being staged in the city this weekend. The other panellists were Lindsays chief operating officer Ian Beattie - who is also the chair of UK Athletics - and scottishathletics chief executive Colin Hutchison.

Speaking about the importance of grassroots athletics clubs to the sport, Mr Cram said: “They still have a massive role to play.

“How we encourage young people into our sport is getting increasingly challenging. That’s where clubs have an incredibly important job to do. But we’ve got to help them as much as we can - through federations, through sponsorship.

“We’ve got to find ways to help clubs survive in the modern world. It’s harder now for amateur sports clubs to exist than it used to be.”

Athletes from 140 countries are descending on Glasgow to compete at the Emirates Arena this weekend - with Scots Laura Muir and Josh Kerr among the medal favourites in the 3,000 metres.

Ms Doyle, an ambassador for the indoor championships, also highlighted the impact of strong grassroots sport - and the need for businesses to get behind it with sponsorship to support the next generation of athletes.

She said: “Without grassroots events you don’t get your Laura Muirs and Josh Kerrs. That’s how you build. It’s fantastic when you see the end result. But the crucial part is the grassroots. That’s where the stepping stones are made. It’s hugely important.”

An audience of almost 120 people enjoyed the sports forum, held at the Radisson Blu on Argyle Street.

The panel - chaired by Beattie - discussed this weekend’s events, as well as answering questions from the floor on a range of topics affecting the sport.

Mr Hutchison said: “We appreciate Lindsays giving us the space to promote athletics in Scotland.

“It’s nice to have the chance to do sessions like this. To hear from people like Eilidh and Steve is pretty inspirational.”

Speaking after the forum, Mr Beattie said: “To hear some of the insight and experiences from Steve, Eilidh and Colin not just on elite athletics, but how the success of that can impact upon grassroots sport was just fantastic. We’re really grateful to them for sharing their time.

“As a firm, Lindsays is incredibly proud to be able to support athletics in Scotland. Through our sponsorship of the likes of the Lindsays XC with scottishathletics, we hope we are playing our part in encouraging people into running and healthier living. From parkrunner to ultra-runner, it is a sport everyone can enjoy.”

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