Lord Advocate to re-examine drug consumption rooms

Lord Advocate to re-examine drug consumption rooms

The Lord Advocate has told MSPs she will take another look at any proposals for drug consumption rooms based on evidence.

Addressing Holyrood’s Criminal Justice Committee, Dorothy Bain QC said “the question of what is in the public interest” could be re-examined in relation to the facilities.

Drug consumption rooms let users take substances under medical supervision and with safe equipment.

Scotland recorded 1,339 drug deaths last year – the highest in Europe.

She said consumption rooms would have “to be looked at again in very careful circumstances, where a very detailed set of proposals are brought and we’re confident that they are based on sound evidence”.

In September she announced that possession of class A drugs may incur a police warning rather than prosecution under a new “diversion from prosecution” policy that effectively decriminalises possession.

She said at the time: “I have decided that an extension of the recorded police warning guidelines to include possession offences for class A drugs is appropriate. Police officers may therefore choose to issue a recorded police warning for simple possession offences for all classes of drugs.”

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