Lord Ericht joins the bench

Andrew Stewart QC has been installed as a Senator of the College of Justice, taking his place on the bench with the judicial title Lord Ericht.

The Lord Justice Clerk, Lady Dorrian, presided over the ceremony in the First Division courtroom in Parliament House today.

Lady Dorrian said: “Lord Ericht, it gives me great pleasure on behalf of the bench to welcome you as a Senator of the College of Justice.

“As former president of the Scottish Tax Tribunals, a Senior Decision Maker of the Guernsey Financial Services Commission, and president of the Appeal Tribunal of ICAS, you bring to the bench expertise in financial regulation and revenue matters, as well as the experience gained from a broad, and high level practice.

“In our global age, your international interests, particularly in the area of French and European Law, developed as a visiting as a visiting professor at the University of Lorraine, IN Nancy, and as a member of the UK delegation of the CCBE, will be advantageous.

“From your own point of view, the fact that you were an advocate depute, and indeed a senior advocate depute, will enable you to undertake with confidence the important duties of a Lord Commissioner of Justiciary.

“I am sure that all members of the bench will be looking forward to working with you as a colleague, and that we all hope that you will find your time on the bench to be both productive and enjoyable.”

Mr Stewart qualified as a solicitor in 1988 and practised with Clifford Chance and Tods Murray WS before calling to the bar in 1996.

He was appointed standing junior counsel to the DTI from 2000 to 2009 and elected clerk of the Faculty of Advocates from 2003 to 2009.

After taking silk in 2009 he served as an advocate depute until 2013 then returned to independent practice in mainly commercial and public law.

He has held part-time appointments as visiting lecturer at the Université de Lorraine, France since 1993, editor of Session Cases (the official series of Scots law reports) since 2001, chairman of the ICAS Appeal Tribunal since 2012, senior decision maker for the Guernsey Financial Services Commission since 2014, member of the Scottish Civil Justice Council since 2014, and president of the Scottish Tax Tribunals since 2015.

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