Lord President to explain role of a senator at virtual event

Lord President to explain role of a senator at virtual event

On Thursday 5 October, the Lord President, Lord Carloway, will be chairing a virtual information session that will provide an insight into the working life of a senator for now and the future and demystify what the role involves.

The Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland application process will also be discussed. The event is likely to be of particular interest to those eligible for appointment to the position of Senator, regardless of current intentions.

Members of the panel will include the Lord Justice Clerk, Lady Dorrian; Lord Mulholland; Lady Haldane; Dr Lindsay Montgomery from the Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland and Sheriff Pino Di Emidio, director of the Judicial Institute.

This event is being facilitated by the Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland (JABS) using the MS Teams platform and will be recorded. On joining the event attendees will have their cameras and microphones disabled and we recommend that attendees enter “Guest” as their screen name when joining the event in order that anonymity can be maintained.

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