Lord President’s salary rises to £279,000

Lord President's salary rises to £279,000

Judicial salary increases have been revealed in new figures from the Ministry of Justice.

The President of the Supreme Court, Lord Reed and Lord President, Lord Carloway’s salaries rose from £263,256 in 2023-24 to £279,051 this year.

Lord Justice Clerk, Lady Dorrian’s salary increased to £269,530, from £254,274. Inner House judges and the president of the Tax Tribunal saw their pay rise from £241,796 to £256,304.

In the Outer House, judges’ salaries have gone from £212,351 to £225,092.

Chair of the Scottish Land Court / president, Lands Tribunal for Scotland, president, Employment Tribunals, and sheriffs principal received £170,304 in 2023-24 and are now being paid £180,522.

Sheriffs, as well as the deputy chair of the Scottish Land Court, vice-president, Employment Tribunal (Scotland) and legal member, Lands Tribunal for Scotland received £157,705 last year and are now receiving £167,167.

Surveyor member, Lands Tribunal for Scotland was paid £148,472 last year and is now being paid £157,380. Employment Judge (England and Wales, Scotland) and Summary Sheriff (Scotland) were paid £126,514 and now receive £134,105.

The office of chief justice of England and Wales attracts the highest judicial salary. It stood at £294,821 last year and is now £312,510.

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