MacRoberts partner joins panel to oversee charity fundraising in Scotland

Val Surgenor

The Scottish Fundraising Implementation Group has announced that MacRoberts’ Val Surgenor will make up part of the Independent Fundraising Standards and Adjudications Panel for Scotland, which which will oversee fundraising standards in Scotland and fundraising complaints about charities registered in Scotland.

Ms Surgenor’s latest appointment follows her role as chair of the Scottish Fundraising Implementation Group which was announced in July.

Ms Surgenor, an IPTC partner at MacRoberts, brings to the panel a wealth of experience and expertise including an understanding of fundraising, charities and the third sector and specialist knowledge of charity law, consumer law and data protection.

John Downie, director of public affairs, at the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations said: “Our research earlier this year demonstrated that people in Scotland trust charities and right across the board, we’re seeing that people in Scotland are more closely connected to charities and are more likely to give their time and money to them than people in other parts of the UK.”

Ms Surgenor said: “The creation of an independent panel to oversee and promote better fundraising practice and to adjudicate on matters where such practice isn’t implemented is an exciting new development for charities and donors in Scotland and provides a system of enhanced self-regulation that fits those requirements identified by the Working Party. Developed within the context of what works already in Scotland it presents an opportunity for charities in Scotland to enhance their already strong relationship and trust with their donors and supporters.”

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