Man jailed for abduction and assault of woman

Man jailed for abduction and assault of woman

A man who abducted a woman before subjecting her to a prolonged and violent assault lasting more than 21 hours has been jailed.

Leslie Jackson left his victim with 54 separate injuries after attacking her at a property in Aberdeen on July 30, 2022.

Despite a young child being present, the 38-year-old repeatedly punched the woman in the face, rendering her unconscious.

After she regained consciousness, he attempted to strangle her and hit her repeatedly with a knife. The abuser then held the weapon across the woman’s mouth, threatening to give her a ‘Chelsea smile’.

The following afternoon, the victim managed to escape by jumping from a ground floor window with a makeshift tourniquet wrapped round her leg.

Jackson appeared at the High Court in Glasgow on 8 May where he admitted a charge of abduction, assault to severe injury, permanent disfigurement, and danger of life.

He was given an extended sentence of 12 years with eight in custody at the High Court in Glasgow on June 5, 2024.

Moira Orr, who leads on homicide and major crime for the Crown Office, said: “Our thoughts and best wishes remain with the brave victim of Leslie Jackson as well as her loved ones following this ordeal.”

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