Man sentenced for sharing extremist material from banned right-wing terror group

Man sentenced for sharing extremist material from banned right-wing terror group

A Fife man who shared extremist hate material from a banned right-wing terror group online has been fined a total of £840.

Colin Webster, 62, of Kelty, was found guilty of an offence under terrorism legislation following a trial at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

The court heard how a 1 minute 45 second widely circulated video supporting National Action, a proscribed terrorist group, was shared on social media chat platform GAB in December 2021.

The film played in court included war footage and racist language shouted through a microphone and encouraged National Action members to act in a racist manner.

An investigation by officers from Police Scotland’s Counter Terrorism Unit traced the shared online chat to Webster’s GAB account and showed he had reposted the offensive material to his 457 followers on GAB and X.

Sineidin Corrins, deputy procurator fiscal for specialist casework at the Crown Office, said: “The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service plays a critical role in keeping the people of Scotland safe from harm and by working with police, government and other agencies, we are committed to ensuring that those involved in committing offences under terrorism legislation are brought to justice.

“Colin Webster not only expressed views which are unacceptable in a civilised society but his actions in sharing material of this nature had the potential to significantly endanger the public.

“His conviction sends out a clear message that terrorist activities of any nature will not be tolerated and COPFS will continue to rigorously prosecute those who engage in criminality linked to extreme groups or ideologies.”

The sentence includes a £40 victim surcharge.

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