McQueen Legal raises more than £6,000 for Will Aid

Pictured (L-R): Mary McQueen; Dot Mullally, partner McQueen Legal and Jo Dallas

McQueen Legal has raised £6,155 for charity this year after taking part in a will-writing campaign, making it the third highest donating firm in Scotland.The firm has now raised an incredible £15,862 in total for Will Aid by writing wills for local people in exchange for a donation.

Mary McQueen, partner at the Edinburgh firm, said: “Our private client team has worked very hard to support Will Aid month and we are ecstatic to have had a record fundraising year for such a worthwhile cause.

“Taking part in Will Aid has enabled us to give back to both our community and nine great charities.”

Jo Dallas from Christian Aid paid the firm a visit to present them with a certificate to thank them for their achievement.

She said: “The team at McQueen Legal have really embraced the Will Aid scheme and all their time and hard work will translate into transformed lives for those living in poverty across the world.

“Thanks to the donations from Will Aid we can make a real difference. Just £150 could pay for a pack of medical equipment for doctors and nurses in Kenya to safely deliver babies, while £95 could pay for training and seeds for 50 women in a mother-to-mother support group to help them grow more food for their families.”

Lawyers at McQueen Legal wrote dozens of wills during the month of November, generously giving their time for free for the whole month.

Will Aid, now in its 29th year, is a charity scheme that raises money for nine charities: ActionAid, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save The Children, Sightsavers, Age UK, SCIAF (Scotland) and Trocaire (Northern Ireland).

Peter de Vena Franks, campaign director for Will Aid, said: “I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to McQueen Legal and let them know that thanks to them, lives will change for the better and people who need it will continue to receive the help and support that the charities work so hard to provide.”

Will Aid will run again in November 2017. Solicitors and anyone who wants to make a will can find out more by visiting


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