Ministers warned by Lady Poole over no-trawl scheme dawdling

Ministers warned by Lady Poole over no-trawl scheme dawdling

Ministers have been warned by a judge that she will order them to reconsider a no-trawl scheme intended to protect Scotland’s marine environment after they said it would serve no purpose, The Herald reports.

Lady Poole had last month ruled in favour of the Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation, which had sought judicial review of a Scottish government decision to abandon the pilot scheme affecting inshore fisheries around the Isle of Skye.

She said ministers had acted unlawfully and that the SCFF is entitled to expect the plan is “properly” reconsidered “with an open mind”.

The fisherman have, however, sought a legal order that would force a review of the proposals to separate mobile and static fishing in the Inner Sound following resistance from ministers – despite the court ruling.

Lady Poole said she will issue the order if the matter is not resolved. She said she was “surprised” by ministers’ position after her judgment.

Advocate Paul Reid, for the Scottish ministers, said that saying reconsideration served no practical purpose “was perhaps not the happiest form of words”.

Lady Poole told both sides to come to an agreement, otherwise she would make a positive order.

“If it is not capable of agreement I will simply make the order and you will have to proceed the best you can,” she said. “I just think it is much better if parties can reach a resolution.”

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