Morton Fraser paralegal completes grueling Arctic trek in aid of St Columba’s hospice

In January, Scottish Legal News reported that Denise McKenzie, head of estate agency at Morton Fraser, was taking part in a trek to the Arctic Circle to raise money for St Columba’s Hospice.Denise, who completed her three-day trek earlier this month, raising more than £4,000 in the process, told SLN it was that while it was a “tough challenge both physically and mentally” the team were lucky to have “clear blue skies every day” and take in “stunning scenery”.

She and the team endured temperatures of -25°C at night, with sleep being little more than “drifting in and out of consciousness until dawn”. Breakfast was a boil in the bag affair as “chef advised nothing else was available from the menu”.

“Not surprisingly there were tears as we crossed the finish line. To top it all off we got to see the Northern Lights on our last night in Finland, amazing!”

Denise revealed that the team were unable to indulge in such luxuries as changing their clothes, washing or brushing their teeth, though it was all worth it after they raised a “tonne of money” for various charities.

“My donations for St Columbas to date are at a staggering £4,360,” she said, adding “I am very grateful to everyone who has donated”.


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