MPs call on government to thwart PlayStation 5 resale trolls

MPs call on government to thwart PlayStation 5 resale trolls

An early day motion has been tabled by SNP MPs calling on the UK government to introduce legislative proposals to prohibit the resale of gaming consoles and computer components at excessive prices and to make the resale of goods purchased using automated bots illegal.

The motion follows the release last month of Sony’s PlayStation 5 console, which has fallen prey to the practice.

The console is being re-sold on platforms such as eBay for prices far above the retail price. One current listing of the console has a price of £9,999.

It was reported last month that shoppers who had preordered the PlayStation 5 had been left disappointed after they received bags of grain, rice, cat food – or nothing at all.

Amazon announced an investigation into what it said was a “small proportion” of orders which had been stolen.

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