MTM Defence Lawyers sees 10 per cent growth driven by London office

Neil Hay
Scottish specialist criminal law firm MTM Defence Lawyers has reported a 10 per cent increase in revenue since opening an office in London last year.
The firm, led by Neil Hay, opened an office in Chancery Lane last October following increasing demand from London-based clients and law firms referring private clients and international clients facing criminal law charges in the Scottish courts to MTM.
The London business has “fuelled an additional 10 per cent growth in revenue”, the firm said today as it welcomed its prominent ranking by The Legal 500.
The latest edition of The Legal 500 gives the firm a Tier 1 ranking for ‘crime’ and a Tier 2 ranking for ‘fraud’, as well as describing the firm as the “solicitors of choice for referrals from large City law firms”.
Legal business across the firm’s offices has been driven by a range of factors: the willingness of authorities to investigate and prosecute all manner of complex regulatory offences; increasing numbers of domestic abuse prosecutions relating to domestic abuse, including under the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018; and the prosecutions relating to sexual offences cases.
Director and solicitor advocate Neil Hay said: “There is a high demand for specialist Scottish legal services; we act directly for white-collar and high-net-worth clients, as well as for companies and organisations across the United Kingdom and internationally.
“The firm is also regularly instructed in cases referred by ‘magic circle’ firms in London as well as by leading Scottish commercial law firms and we have worked hard to build relationships and to form partnerships with them as part of the wider defence of clients’ interests.
“The firm is also increasingly instructed in complex regulatory and health and safety cases that span sectors from transport to infrastructure. Our growing reputation in this area is further driving referrals from other legal firms too. Reputation, based on results achieved and client service, is of paramount importance to a legal firm, which is why we are delighted to have been accredited Tier 1 in the Legal 500 United Kingdom 2021.”