Multi-agency partnership addressing separation and contact issues between looked after siblings launches

Multi-agency partnership addressing separation and contact issues between looked after siblings launches

A multi-agency partnership and website with the aim of avoiding wherever possible the separation of and improving contact for looked after brothers and sisters, Stand Up For Siblings, was launched in Glasgow on Friday.

Stand Up For Siblings is a collaboration between a number of child welfare, children’s rights and legal organisations and academics within Scotland including Clan Childlaw, Who Cares? Scotland, the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration, the University of Strathclyde and CELCIS.

The impetus for Stand Up For Siblings was a piece of research which was published last year by Dr Christine Jones from the University of Strathclyde and Dr Gillian Henderson from the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration.

Dr Christine Jones, one of the founders of Stand Up for Siblings, said: “We know that children who face adversity greatly value their relationships with siblings. Yet for care experienced children and young people these relationships often become disrupted.

“We believe more can be done to protect the rights and promote the wellbeing of brothers and sisters in such circumstances and we are working together to influence the law, policy and practice around this issue.

“We created Stand Up For Siblings as we believe that if we all work together, we can make a real difference to the lives of children and young people, plus ensure that they receive the right support and contact with their brothers and sisters.”

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