Multi-disciplinary speaking panel at this month’s Personal Injury Conference

With speakers drawn from private practice, the Bar, law accountancy and the medical profession, CLT Scotland’s Personal Injury Conference taking place online on Monday 25 October will provide a thoroughly practical focus
Chaired by Lefevres’ Iain Nicol, the conference will consider: the impact and effect of remote hearings and proofs on personal injury business; the interplay between financial redress for child abuse victims and civil cases; how the 2019 Taxation of Judicial Expenses Rules are working in practice; package travel claims; instructing GPs; the value of case-managed rehabilitation for accident victims and their litigating parties; and the latest quantum trends.
A multi-disciplinary speaking panel will include Kim Leslie of Digby Brown, Andrew Tolmie from Clyde & Co, Hamilton Mullan’s David Hamilton, David Swanney from Compass Chambers, Dr Rayner Lazaro, Emma Vail of Tania Brown Limited and Chris Miller from Themis Advocates.
For more information on the conference and to book click here.
The Personal Injury Conference forms part of the Scots Law Autumn Series – for details of each of the individual conferences forming part of the Series, click here.