Murray McCall profile reveals Anderson Strathern’s ambitions for growth

Murray McCall

The Herald has profiled Murray McCall, managing partner of Anderson Strathern.

Mr McCall re-emphasised that the firm is seeking more small and medium law firms for merger.

He said: “The mergers – with Glasgow-based solicitors Jeffrey Aitken and Edinburgh-based dispute resolution specialist ADLP Solicitors – mean the firm now has 270 staff, including 55 partners, and turnover of more than £22 million.

“There’s still a great opportunity for the likes of my firm to be seeing what small and medium law firms we can bring into the fold.

“We want to be the firm that people want to work for, that clients want to work with. And we want to bring in small firms who are maybe struggling with succession planning, struggling to recruit people, to grow a bigger presence or to attract or retain clients. That’s an opportunity I see in the market at the moment.”

Read the full profile on The Herald website.

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