New Civil Online portal launched

The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) launched the new Civil Online portal on Wednesday 31 May, to coincide with the implementation date of the updated Simple Procedure Rules.
The portal was built using up-to-date technologies, such as the Microsoft Azure Cloud, which offers new more secure ways for users to sign-in and access their information, and creates a basis for further development and digital transformation in the future.
It is being continually designed and enhanced to reduce paper-based processes with digital capabilities, and make it easier and more efficient for our external users, making it more sustainable, environmentally friendly and better positioned to adapt to new/changed services and legislation.
SCTS has produced Civil Online login guidance to assist users as the login process has now changed as compared to the old portal. Users are also advised to remove any old Civil Online bookmarks and favourites, clear cache and cookies. If any login issues are experienced check with your technical team or contact the SCTS helpdesk.
In order to obtain feedback from external users a drop-in feedback session has been arranged for Wednesday 14 June at 15:00 to take place via WebEx. Solicitors who wish to attend this drop-in session can do so by using the following link: Drop-in feedback session. Should you have any questions please contact