New Glasgow Tribunals Centre opens this month
The Glasgow Tribunals Centre at Atlantic Quay, Glasgow, shared by the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) and HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) will open to the public on Tuesday 3 April.
This centre offers a flagship facility for tribunal users in Scotland, providing 34 tribunal hearing rooms, nine waiting rooms, a range of consultation rooms and café. There is office space for members of the tribunals’ judiciary and around 200 SCTS and HMCTS staff.
From this date, the Housing and Property Chamber, the Health and Education Chamber and the Council Tax Reduction Review Panel, supported by SCTS, along with the Social Security and Child Support and Criminal Injuries Compensation tribunals supported by HMCTS, will operate from the new centre. Further tribunals supported by HMCTS will follow at a later date.
Eric McQueen, chief executive of the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service, said: “This is a unique collaboration and a forward thinking one which is intended to benefit tribunal users in Scotland.
“We are providing improved and flexible facilities in an accessible location and at a time when the demand for tribunals’ services is increasing. The centre will provide great hearing facilities in central Scotland but we will continue to offer hearings throughout Scotland where required.”
Susan Acland-Hood, chief executive of HMCTS, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for HMCTS to collaborate with our colleagues in the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service, providing a new hub that brings together knowledge and expertise to meet the needs of all of our tribunal users in Glasgow, and more widely across central Scotland.”