New law reporters for Session Cases

New law reporters for Session Cases

Following a competitive recruitment exercise earlier this year, the Scottish Council of Law Reporting has announced the appointment of the following advocates to the law reporting panel for Session Cases:

  • David Blair (Axiom Advocates)
  • Scott Clair (Ampersand Advocates)
  • Morag McEwan (Westwater Advocates)
  • Alannah McGinley (Axiom Advocates)
  • Kristian Whitaker (Themis Advocates)

The Session Cases law report series contains all the key appellate decisions, civil and criminal, from the Court of Session and High Court of Justiciary in Scotland together with selected cases decided at first instance. Also included in Session Cases are all decisions, as issued, on Scottish appeals to the House of Lords and to the Privy Council. All judgments are reported in full.

The judges who gave opinions in each case have the opportunity to review the report before it is published – this gives Session Cases its unsurpassed authority in Scottish courts.

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