New rules to deal with bullying councillors

The codes of conduct for councillors and members of devolved public bodies in Scotland have been updated to make it clear that behaviour such as bullying and harassment is completely unacceptable.
Provisions relating to the acceptance of gifts and hospitality have also been tightened to ensure that individuals cannot be improperly influenced nor use their position as a councillor or board member to profit from their position.
Further, a new three-stage test had been introduced to help individuals identify when they have conflict of interest, or a potential conflict, which they must declare.
The provisions on lobbying have also been clarified, to protect the integrity and reputation of decision-making processes.
As with previous versions, the codes are based on the key principles of public life, commonly known as ‘the Nolan principles’, namely: duty, selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability & stewardship, openness, honesty and leadership.
The new codes come into immediate effect following a review by a working group comprising representatives from the government, public bodies, councils, COSLA and the Standards Commission.
Lorna Johnston, executive director, said: “At a time where the conduct of those in public life is under increasing scrutiny, we welcome the revised, strengthened Codes, especially the provisions on bullying and harassment.
“It is clear from our public Hearings that a culture of disrespect or bullying damages working relationships and undermines public confidence. This, in turn, impacts upon on the effective running of public organisations.
“We hope that these new, strengthened provisions will help to embed a culture of respect within Scottish local authorities and public bodies.”