New sheriff officers in town

New sheriff officers in town

Two names in the sheriff officer profession have joined forces in a new venture; Fraser Irvine Sheriff Officers.

The firm is a collaboration between Alex Irvine (pictured right) and Andrew Fraser (pictured below).

Mr Fraser was a founding partner of Fraser Gowrie Johnston while Mr Irvine was the joint head of enforcement administration at Scott & Co.

Mr Irvine is the president of the Society of Messengers-at-Arms & Sheriff Officers and Mr Fraser serves on its Executive Council.

Based at their new operations centre in Glasgow they are confident of achieving their vision of becoming the first choice provider of sheriff officer services for Scottish solicitors.

New sheriff officers in town

Mr Fraser said: “When Alex and I first started discussing the prospect of working together it quickly became clear that we shared the same values and passion for providing a quality service that delivers on results. Going into business together was the obvious choice.”

Mr Irvine added: “I was privileged to be a judge at this year’s Scottish Legal Awards and it afforded me the opportunity to see first-hand the professionalism and quality that solicitors put into their work for their clients. I believe that they should expect nothing less from their service providers and I am confident that Fraser Irvine will deliver to those same high standards.”

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