No trial for Caithness solicitor accused of £100k embezzlement

No trial for Caithness solicitor accused of £100k embezzlement

A Caithness solicitor who was accused of embezzling over £100,000 from his firm between July 2008 and January 2012 will no longer face trial.

Patrick Copinger allegedly embezzled £105,129 from his Highland Law Practice firm in Lybster and was to face trial this week, more than five years after his initial indictment, the John O’Groat Journal and Caithness Courier reports.

The case against his former business partner, Sylvia MacLennan, was thrown out last March by Sheriff Sara Matheson on the basis her right to a fair trial in a reasonable time had been infringed due to the delay in the case coming to court.

The Crown Office appealed that ruling and lost.

The Law Society had begun an investigation into the firm around 12 years ago, with the police becoming involved in 2019.

As for Mr Copinger’s case, it was on the court roll at Inverness for Monday this week but Sheriff Ian Cruickshank was told by fiscal depute Emily Hood: “I have been instructed that the case should not be called.”

A spokesperson for the Crown Office said: “It is the duty of the Crown to keep cases under review, and following full and careful consideration of the facts and circumstances of the case, including the available admissible evidence, the Procurator Fiscal decided that there should be no further criminal proceedings at this time.

“The Crown reserves the right to proceed in the future should further evidence become available.”

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