Non-binary barrister first to appear in chambers with ‘Mx’ title

Oscar Davies
A non-binary barrister is thought to be the first whose name appears on a chambers’ board with the title ‘Mx’, The Times reports.
Oscar Davies, 26, who is biologically male, identifies as non-binary and prefers to be referred to with pronouns whose lexeme is ‘they’, but is also content with ‘he’.
“I don’t love the word non-binary — it creates another category,” Mx Davies said. They added they would prefer that genders did not exist.
“It’s difficult to explain what is integrally a very visceral feeling. I always knew there was some dissonance between my assigned gender and how I felt.”
They added: “If you look at it as your body being one thing and your mind being another, gender identity is how you identify regarding your body and mind — it is an internal deep-rooted sense of self.”
Mx Davies said their chambers had been supportive.
“I’ve been quite humbled by the response. I wasn’t sure how people would respond and wondered whether my ideas of gender identity are too extreme for some people.”
Of instructing solicitors, they added: “As long as I’m doing a good job and getting results they don’t really care.”