Paralegals at Jones Whyte complete training academy

Jones Whyte has announced the appointment of eight newly qualified paralegals who have completed its training academy.
The training academy took the trainee paralegals two years to complete, with training and assessments throughout, followed by an examination at the end of the term.
Jennifer Scholes, newly qualified paralegal, said: “The Jones Whyte Training Academy allowed me to leave the role I was in and find a career. The people on the academy and the team at Jones Whyte have helped me achieve my goal in pursuing this path which was something I didn’t think I could do alone. I am really excited to start my career as a paralegal.”
Greg Whyte said: “We are hugely proud of our Academy graduates who have shown great personal quality, desire and commitment to launching their own legal career with us. Our goal has been to create jobs first and foremost to serve our growing client base but also - through the Training Academy and other initiatives - to create opportunities for individual career pathways and personal growth.”