Another strong Will Aid campaign for Perthshire law firm Macnabs

Pictured (L-R): Anita Ovenstone (Macnabs), Alan Roughead (Macnabs), Susan Mackay (Macnabs),
Andrea Hay (Macnabs), Sheena Mallon (Macnabs), Joanne Dallas - Christian Aid,
Sarah Mitchell (Macnabs)
Perthshire law firm Macnabs has raised almost £5,000 for charity this year after taking part in a will-writing campaign in which lawyers give up their time for free to write wills for local people in exchange for a donation.
Macnabs has taken part in the annual Will Aid scheme for seven years and has raised an impressive total of £37,561 to date. This year the firm raised £4,813 making it the fourth highest donating firm in Scotland.
Partner Althea Kennedy said: “At Macnabs we know that Will Aid helps such worthwhile causes and for us to be part of that again and to give something back has been wonderful.
“People often put off making a Will. However, it is very easy to do, and without one you have no control over what will happen to your money, possessions and property after you die, often leading to family disputes.
Susan Mackay, associate in the private client team, added: “If you do have a Will then chances are your circumstances have changed since you wrote it. It is important to update your Will every 3-5 years, especially if your circumstances have changed.
“For example if you now have children or grandchildren, if you are recently divorced or separated, or have a partner but are not legally married, or if perhaps a beneficiary named in your Will is deceased, then it is important your Will is updated to reflect what you want to happen when you die.”
Will Aid, now in its 30th year, is a charity scheme that raises money for nine charities: ActionAid, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save The Children, Sightsavers, Age UK, SCIAF and Trocaire (Northern Ireland).