Pilot initiative at Hamilton Sheriff Court to reduce COVID-19 backlog

Pilot initiative at Hamilton Sheriff Court to reduce COVID-19 backlog

Sheriff Principal
Aisha Anwar

A pilot initiative at Hamilton Sheriff Court has been agreed upon in order to help reduce the backlog of summary court cases.

The initiative aims to reduce the length of trials, and how many cases proceed to a trial, by encouraging early discussions between defence and prosecution to identify cases which can be resolved earlier and allow only those cases which are fully prepared and which cannot be resolved, to proceed to trial.

Sheriff Principal Aisha Anwar, in South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway, has set up weekly trial surgeries to facilitate these candid discussions between the defence and prosecution.

As a result of this week’s surgery, of the 54 cases discussed over 80 per cent of them were resolved with only 10 per cent proceeding to trial.

Sheriff Principal Anwar said: “The results of this pilot are very encouraging and will undoubtedly help Hamilton Sheriff Court to manage the backlog of cases. The trial court must function efficiently and only those cases where evidence requires to be heard should proceed to a trial.

“Valuable court time can be lost if pleas of guilty are tendered on the morning of the trial, and of course there can be considerable unnecessary inconvenience and anxiety caused to complainers and witnesses. The results of the surgeries are encouraging.

“I would like to thank the local defence agents and in particular the dean of Faculty, Mark O’Hanlon, and the local COPFS staff, including the area fiscal Les Brown, for their willing and enthusiastic participation in the pilot.”

Mark O’Hanlon, dean of Hamilton Faculty, commented: “Hamilton bar were delighted to be consulted on this initiative by Sheriff Principal Anwar. This initiative demonstrates that, with a collaborative approach with the criminal bar at an early stage, substantial improvements to the administration of justice can be achieved.”

Also welcoming the pilot, Les Brown, procurator fiscal for South Strathclyde, said: “The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service is working closely with our criminal justice partners in responding effectively to the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and is committed to working collaboratively to ensure the justice system fully recovers.

“This pilot will encourage greater and earlier communication between COPFS and our criminal justice partners and will hopefully lead to the shortening of journey times for victims and witnesses in the criminal justice sector and minimise the requirement for victims and witnesses to come to court.”

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