Pinsent Masons joins Scottish government’s cyber catalyst working group
Pinsent Masons has joined a cyber catalyst working group set up by the Scottish government to help businesses protect themselves from cyber attacks.
The establishment of the working groups is a key part of the Private Sector Action Plan on Cyber Resilience, which was published yesterday.
The Law Society of Scotland has also joined the working group and will work closely with the government to promote cyber resilience.
The new action plan was developed by the Scottish government in partnership with the National Cyber Resilience Leaders’ Board (NCRLB), the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and key private organisations.
Half a million pounds will be made available from the autumn to help organisations achieve the NCSC’s Cyber Essentials certification, which helps protect against the most common forms of internet-borne cyber attacks.
Deputy First Minister John Swinney said: “Cyber threats are growing and it is vital, as part of our ambitions as a modern, digital nation, that our businesses and charities understand this. They must also be supported to take steps to protect themselves.
“No organisation, however large or small, is immune. Attacks are as real a risk to the small bakery or charity that relies on a database to operate effectively as they are to the multinational banking organisations in our financial districts.
“These plans set out how we will work in partnership with some of Scotland’s leading businesses and charities to help tackle this threat and are an important steps towards our ambition to be a world-leading nation in cyber resilience.”
Dave McClure, head of GBFM security contract delivery at BT and the lead private sector representative on the National Cyber Resilience Leaders’ Board, said: “Cyber crime increasingly crosses international borders and only by working together across multiple sectors can we combat the threats posed to our increasingly digital society.
“This new action plan, developed by our cyber security community, will provide support to organisations of all sizes. BT is delighted be a part of this cyber security community.”