PIRC publishes findings on two incidents involving PAVA spray

The Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) has published its findings on two incidents involving the use of PAVA irritant spray.
In one case concerning the use of the spray on a 39-year-old man during a violent struggle in a police cell, the watchdog said the use was both necessary and proportionate.
In another case, where the spray was used on a 27-year-old man on a scaffolding tower, the PIRC found that the discharge was not necessary or proportionate and increased the risk to both the man and the police officer.
In the latter case, the commissioner has recommended that Police Scotland should advise the officers involved in the incident of the importance of taking cognisance of location, risk and circumstance when considering using PAVA spray.
The reports on both incidents have been published on the PIRC website.