Police launch crackdown on blue badge misuse

Rose Fitzpatrick

Police have launched a crackdown on people who misuse disabled parking permits after they reached an agreement with councils.

Officers will now have access to the Blue Badge Improvement Service (BBIS) database, meaning they can identify people misusing the scheme.

Abuse includes instances of relatives using a badge or continued use after a badge is no longer needed.

It is thought there are about 230,000 people in Scotland who use the permits. A survey by Transport Scotland found 83 per cent of blue badge users had experienced misuse of their badges.

Susan Grasekamp, chief executive officer of the Scottish Disability and Equality Forum, said: “We are delighted that Police Scotland is taking the issue of Blue Badge misuse seriously.

“The access to the BBIS database means that the right people are able to use the badge and that it is not open to abuse.”

Transport Minister Derek Mackay added: “Misuse of the scheme can have a significant impact on the lives of badge holders throughout Scotland that is why I am pleased Police Scotland is working collaboratively with local authorities to send a clear message that abuse of the scheme will not be tolerated.”

The Disabled Person’s Parking Badges (Scotland) Act 2014 allows disabled drivers to park closer to town centre amenities.

However, the scheme is only applicable to on-street parking – off-street parking is governed by separate regulations.

Last March, councils gained the power to deprive people of their badges where abuse of the scheme was suspected. As a consequence, 200 drivers in Glasgow lost their badges.

Harsher penalties include a fine of up to £1,000 as well as extra penalties for traffic-related offences.

Deputy chief constable Rose Fitzpatrick said: “The Blue Badge scheme is an important resource for people who really need it. Those who abuse the scheme make life harder for people who need to have access to places such as medical centres and social facilities.

“It is important that people realise not only are they making life harder for others, but they may also be committing fraud, if they use a Blue Badge to obtain free parking to which they are not entitled.

“Working in partnership with local authorities across the country, our officers will now be able to verify instantly any Blue Badge issued anywhere in Scotland. This means that we will be able to tackle those people who selfishly, and sometimes fraudulently, abuse the Blue Badge scheme.”


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