Practical tips for devils, by a devil
A number of the Faculty of Advocates’ devils have been speaking to students about the process of joining the Scots bar.
Aspiring advocates often seek answers to their questions about life at the Faculty, and who better to offer guidance than those currently undergoing the internationally-recognised training programme?
Fergus Whyte was one of the devils who headed north with Neil Mackenzie QC, the Faculty’s Director of Training and Education, to meet members of the University of Aberdeen Mooting Society.
Mr Whyte qualified to practise as a barrister and solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand in 2012 and, after completing his LLM at the University of Edinburgh in 2016, is hoping to become a member of Faculty this summer.
He has prepared an edited text of his comments to the students in Aberdeen, which, in JUSTICE WEEK (24-28 February), is published here.
“I have had tremendous support from members of the Faculty and my peers as devils to this point, so any assistance I can be to others goes a little way to settling that debt,” Mr Whyte said.
“Hopefully, it might be of use to anyone considering becoming a devil in future.”
Mr Mackenzie said: “The Faculty is a modern, approachable organisation, which is more than happy to answer the questions people might have about coming to the Bar, and the role Advocates play in our justice system. We are happy to hear, in JUSTICE WEEK or another time, from universities and others who might like to discuss things further.”