Professor Drew Scott awarded lifetime accolade by European academic body

Professor Drew Scott
Edinburgh Law School’s Professor Drew Scott has been awarded the UACES Lifetime Achievement Award.
The University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) presented its 2018 Lifetime Achievement award to Professor Scott earlier this month, commending “the quality and versatility of [his] thinking and writing about Europe; the inspirational excellence of his teaching and speaking on the subject; and his unstinting public service (a far richer notion than ‘impact’) as academic expert, most crucially at this time with the Scottish government”.
The annual award is presented to individuals who breach the established academic boundaries in European studies.
Professor Scott was presented with the award at the UACES annual conference dinner in Bath on 4 September.
Speaking about his award, Professor Scott said: “It is a great honour to be recognised by UACES in this way. I owe a considerable debt of gratitude all of those colleagues and students who have supported, inspired and – more realistically – stoically endured me throughout almost 40 years of researching and teaching EU issues.
“Particular thanks to the students and colleagues here in the School of Law and the wider community of the Europa Institute with whom I’ve worked for more than 25 years. Needless to say I’ve have learned more from them than I’ve ever taught them!”