Professor Gillian Black to deliver inaugural lecture next month

Professor Gillian Black to deliver inaugural lecture next month

Professor Gillian Black

Edinburgh Law School’s Professor Gillian Black is to deliver her inaugural lecture next month.

Family life is generally regarded as a private matter for the family members. This gives rise to a troubling tension at the heart of family law: how should the state respect the privacy of the family while protecting vulnerable family members? By examining specific areas of family law – including the legal regulation of divorce, sexual intimacy, domestic abuse, and the family courts – she will assess how the law currently strikes this balance, and ask: does it get it right?

Gillian Black is professor of Scots private law at the University of Edinburgh, a commissioner at the Scottish Law Commission, and Linlithgow Pursuivant Extraordinary in the Court of the Lord Lyon.

This event will be followed by a reception at the Playfair Library. This event is free and open to all but registration is required.

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