Profile of the Profession 2023 launches

Profile of the Profession 2023 launches

The Law Society of Scotland has today launched the Profile of the Profession, its major census of the Scottish legal profession.

Conducted approximately every five years, the survey offers an in-depth view of the make-up of the profession and the experiences of its members on a variety of important topics that impact them.

This year’s topics include questions on mental health, post-pandemic working and violence against the profession. The results will enable the society to tailor its future services and policies to best support the profession.

This year, the survey will be conducted by independent researchers Taylor McKenzie, who will contact all members directly by email with an individualised link to the survey. The survey will take around 15 to 30 minutes to complete and the individualised link will enable members to save their progress.

All responses to the survey will remain anonymous. Completing the survey will count for up to one hour of verifiable CPD.

Murray Etherington, president of the Law Society of Scotland, said: “The Profile of the Profession is a vital piece of the Society’s work, giving us a crucial insight into how the profession is changing and progressing, and what the experiences of our members are. All voices and views are important, as the research directly impacts the work that we do at the society.

“I would encourage everyone in the profession to take part and complete the survey. The more members who do, the better it will reflect the solicitor population as a whole and the better we as a Society will be able to support you, giving us a robust evidence base for our future policy work and negotiations with bodies, such as the Scottish Government. Please take part and help shape the future of the profession.”

The survey will remain open for completion until 10 May 2023.

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