Equality fund launched to make Scottish workplaces more inclusive and diverse

Equality fund launched to make Scottish workplaces more inclusive and diverse

Richard Lochhead

A two-year equality fund has been launched to make Scottish workplaces, including those in the legal sector, more inclusive and diverse.

The Scottish government-funded initiative has £800,000 available in its first year and aims to address barriers in the labour market.

Applications for the 2022-2024 Workplace Equality Fund are now open, and for the first time will be administered by Advice Direct Scotland, the country’s national advice service.

Charities, third sector organisations, public sector organisations and private sector businesses can apply for up to £75,000 in each year of the fund to carry out activities that will help to improve diversity in the workplace.

The funding is used for projects focused on one or more priority groups from the following list: women; minority ethnic workers; disabled workers; older workers (those aged over 50); people who experience gender-based violence; workers who are experiencing social isolation and/or loneliness; workers experiencing symptoms of the menopause; and veterans and spouses of veterans.

Projects can take place within any sector, industry or geographic area provided that they demonstrate the impact on priority groups through addressing systemic inequalities in the workplace.

Employment minister Richard Lochhead said: “Employment rates, pay gaps, occupational segregation, workplace discrimination and progression opportunities within the labour market vary significantly across Scotland.

“The Scottish government is committed to inclusive economic growth and helping employers develop their workplace practices to address inequality is key to the Workplace Equality Fund.

“Promoting growth in employment opportunities and tackling inequality within the labour market is essential to the sustained, long-term prosperity of the Scottish economy.

“We encourage private, public and third sector organisations to apply for funding through the Workplace Equality Fund.”

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