Public reminded of new laws around fireworks ahead of bonfire night

Public reminded of new laws around fireworks ahead of bonfire night

New rules on fireworks will be in place this year as revellers prepare to mark bonfire night.

It is intended the tighter rules will limit the disruption caused to pets and members of the community who are frightened around this time of year, as well as improving safety.

The legislation means fireworks can only be used between 6pm and 11pm (or midnight on November 5) by the general public, and can only be sold between 7am and 6pm, while the quantity supplied is limited to 5kg per transaction.

Animal lovers whose pets are upset by the noise at this time of year have also been issued with guidelines.

That includes moving them to the quietest part of the property, closing windows and curtains, and keeping them company while the noise continues.

Creating other low-level noise like music or television can also ease an animal’s anxiety.

Anyone who suspects people are breaking new or previously existing laws in relation to fireworks should contact the police on the 101 non-emergency number.

Colin Mathieson, spokesperson for Advice Direct Scotland, said: “Celebrations around bonfire night will be far more enjoyable for everyone if people take care in what they are doing and respect the law.

“This year there are tighter laws in place which should improve safety and reduce the upset caused to pets. Every year the emergency services are placed under immense pressure because of private or irresponsible fires.

“In this of all years we need to be mindful of that pressure and do everything we can to reduce the risk and ease the burden. The days around November 5 can also be hugely stressful for pets. If you do have neighbours with animals and are intending to set off fireworks, be sure to speak to them about how you can limit the impact.

“And if you’re worried about pets of your own, move them to the quietest part of the property and keep them company, and consider playing some soft music or sounds to soothe them.

“With COP26 taking place in Glasgow, it’s also a good time to remember the importance of being sustainable, limiting the waste used and thinking about how you could offset some of your own carbon footprint around this time of year.”

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