Rapist lawyer Andrew Lingard jailed for seven years

Rapist lawyer Andrew Lingard jailed for seven years

A former lawyer who claimed he was suffering from “sexsomnia” when he molested two schoolchildren and raped their older sister has been jailed for seven years.

Andrew Lingard, who was convicted earlier this year, had denied the historical offences at trial, claiming that he had a condition – sexsomnia – that makes sufferers unaware of what they do while they are asleep.

Lingard’s offending only came to light after one of his victims started self-harming years later and suffered a “meltdown” at work.

He said he had woken after falling asleep on a bunk bed with one of the schoolgirls to find himself cuddling her with his head on her shoulder and with his arm on her stomach.

He said that he felt shocked and horrified and “didn’t know what had happened”. He added: “To me, being in bed with a child cuddled in that way with someone who wasn’t my girlfriend was inappropriate by my standards.”

Shelagh McCall KC, defending, said Lingard denied committing the offences, but added: “He accepts a significant custodial sentence is the inevitable outcome of his conviction.”

She said: “He is a 38-year-old first offender. He is married with an infant son.”

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